Axolotl hides for sale
Axolotl hides for sale

axolotl hides for sale

"My axolotl has a fungal (or fungus-like bacterial problem) - what do I do?" "My axolotl has stringy/whispy white things on it - what's wrong?"."My axolotl's water is quite warm (over 25oC / 77 F)."At what temperature should I keep my axolotl?"."How do I tell the difference between an axolotl and a larval tiger salamander?".It's about 1 year old and in the past two months it has developed a pattern on its face. "I would like to know why my white axolotl formed dark spots around its eyes."Do I just hatch the brine shrimp and throw them in with the axolotl eggs, or do I wait until I see hatching of axolotls and then hatch the brine shrimp? Also, do I just put the brine shrimp in, or do I need to do anything special to make sure the larvae eat them?"."My axolotls have laid eggs! Help! What do I do?!"."Is it a good idea to have snails in the tank with axolotls? Right now I have two of them for cleaning purposes.".

axolotl hides for sale

"I'm looking for information about regeneration.What is it and where can I get some to feed to my newt larvae?" "I've been hearing so much about this Daphnia stuff."Is it very common for an axolotl to metamorphose or does this rarely ever happen?".(the terrestrial salamander), but I don't know the differences between their mating/reproduction and the Axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum). "I would like to breed my tiger salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum/ Ambystoma mavortium freeze beef heart to give to axolotls and also If I did this would I have to leave it to thaw out before feeding it?" "My axolotl has stopped eating or it has very curled forward gills."My axolotl has swallowed some gravel - what do I do?"."Would a standard fish tank box foam filter/airline do for filtration and aeration?"."What is the smallest tank you can keep axolotls in?".Is it possible to keep one in a 5 gallon hexifun aquarium?" "I am thinking about getting an axolotl."Is it possible that axolotls are not carnivorous and that they are just blind and eat anything that moves in front of their face?"."Do axolotls breed only in freezing cold water?"."When I got home last night my axolotl (he is about 6-7 inches, not sure on the age but I've had him about 5 months) was looking paler than usual, I didn't see any radical color change, he just stayed a paler shade of him.".Is there a specific time of the year that the pet stores should have them in?" I had one sometime back and I remember that I had a hard time trying to find them at my local pet store. "I am very interested in getting another Axolotl.I would be so very happy if you could give a little bit of info." Well, I think it is albino! It it white with regular eyes (brown) and pink gills. "I have just received an albino axolotl."I have 2 axolotls (brother and sister) and I would like to breed them.

axolotl hides for sale

What are the differences between the different kinds of albinos?" "You say that you have melanoid and white melanoid albinos."I just caught him yawning!! I have never seen them do this."I am looking for xyz type of axolotl, can you help me?" "Can you help me acquire or sell me axolotls?"."Are there any mailing lists that deal with axolotls?".When it does move, it does laps up and down the tank and crashes into the glass at each end. Does this mean they shouldn't be kept with other axolotls? I was thinking of getting my axolotl a friend :), or is this a bad idea?" "You say on your site that axolotls shouldn't be kept with other salamanders."Is the Axolotl an endangered species?"."A 15 gallon tank is plenty big enough for two, isn't it?" Will it be large enough for 1 or 2 of them?" "I have a small tank (37 litres - 10 gallons).Will they eat the fish or just ignore them?" "I'm starting up a new aquarium (250 l) and I would like to know if I can put Axolotls together with non-agressive fish."I have some axolotls that are about a year old but with no breeding success yet.

axolotl hides for sale

  • "How do you get your axolotls to eat sinking pellets? Mine just ignore them.".
  • "Is a waterdog the same thing as an axolotl?".
  • I keep my axolotls in large tanks with filters and airstones."
  • "I'm having difficulty keeping the water clear.
  • If you can't find the answer to your question here, or on the site, then why not ask it in the Forum? Please read through them until you find the one that meets your question, then scroll down to the answers section and look at the corresponding answer. All of these are questions that people have asked me. The Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center has a short F.A.Q. Since I first published this web site in October of 1999 I have received a number of emails asking some questions not directly covered by the web site.

    Axolotl hides for sale